My name is Annie and I am French. I live in Reunion, a volcanic Island in Indian Ocean. I studied biology in Paris, a long time ago. And today, I am a website integrator and developer.
I start this blog in my 50th year. It has been a long time since I wanted to write something. But I just didn’t know what. I had a problem with the starting point. My readings were these last times crime stories for most of them, Islandic ones. But I was not interrested in writting about such themes.
I have to say that when I was younger, I read a lots of science-fiction books, starting with Azimov Foundation series. It was difficult to find another author I would like so much thereafter. So I changed of themes and read about almost everything.
Today, I am back to science-fiction. Thanks to Doctor Who 🙂 This serie is one of the most addictive I have ever watched these last years. I like the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuffs. But this is a little bit complicated for me. Let’s start with the space dimension. We’ll see how it goes. It is a training blog : don’t forget it 😉
ouai continu comme sa tata et bonne chance pour la suite
Tu as lu l’histoire Miss Lysa ? Je te la recommande :p