It is the second time I write this article about chapter 8. I threw the first version to the trash. Clearly, it’s difficult for me to speak of it. So what can I say ? This chapter is from my viewpoint a transition chapter, the one in which I took a decision, determining all the rest of the story. I insist on “all”.
This is the moment when I decided there will be a next instalment and began to write the first headlines. Just an idea, some sentences in my file “guidelines” where I write everything that goes through my mind.
When I read this chapter again yesterday, I wasn’t very satisfied of the result. I hope that the mystery thickens for the reader, but I hope not to be too wordy.
In comparison with my first frame, I am doing something else now, total improvisation I have to say, which prepares the third part begining in two weeks (so two chapters). This is the only thing I think about now, this third part, my startpoint in fact that I am longing to write.
For you readers, the turning point is for next week. So, don’t forget to come here. And you will know why 😉